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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Courses

Ericksonian Hypnosis

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Milton Erickson


Teach the participants how to develop a trance state, using Ericksonian presuppositions including all the elements necessary for the induction procedures, eliciting phenomena and trance state. It will be explained how the response can be increased by the application of the styles and values of the person.

Participants will receive help to be able to develop effective language forms for the achievement of the trance phenomena.

Oriented for

Professionals in the health, psychology, and psychiatry areas, as well as psychiatry residents, professionals with training in psychotherapy, and hypnotherapists.


Theoretical presentation, practicum experiential exercises, live demonstrations, demonstration and discussion of the videotapes of Milton H. Erickson filmed at the seminars he gave between 1979 and 1980.

Imparted by

Dr. Gustavo Zepeda Carranza.


Theory: 30 hours, Practicum: 30 hours


  1. Ericksonian Presuppositions
  2. Resources Exercise Person
  3. Indicators of trance behavior
  4. The cleverly vague exercise
  5. Getting out of the trance state
  6. Trance induction exercise
  7. Holding on and letting go
  8. A forgotten pleasant memory of childhood
  9. Mutual Hypnosis
  10. Milton Model
  11. Hypnotic language (Nominalizations)
  12. Induction Symphony
  13. Reframe being in trance
  14. Self-inductions
  15. Working with inconsistencies
  16. Resources massage
  17. Vibratory symbols
  18. Possible trance inductions
  19. Deep trance phenomenon
  20. Generating the deep trance phenomenon
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