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What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

Gustavo Zepeda Carranza

Robert Dilts
Dr. Gustavo Zepeda Carranza
y Judith Delozier

Give you a warm welcome to the Neuro-Linguistic Programming, with its reaches and benefits. .

The acronym  NLPrepresents a term that joins the three most influential elements in the production of the human experience. So, the neurological system regulates the function of the organism; at the same time, language determines how we interact and communicate with others, meanwhile, the mental programming of each individual impact in the conceptions of the world that we create. The Neuro-Linguistic Programming describes how the fundamental dynamics between mind (neuro), language (linguistics) and the interaction of both determine our organism and behavior (programming).

The NLP, new epistemology and school of pragmatic thought, addresses the different levels inherent in the human being. For that matter, multidimensional process means development of the competence of behavior and of flexibility, while at the same time integrating abilities of strategic thought and the comprehension of mental and cognitive processes that underlie in the human behavior. The PNL gives tools and abilities to reach new states of individual excellence, with that, a whole system of presuppositions and convictions establish that empowers an apprehension of the human being, of communication, and of everything that the process of change implicates.

In a different form, the NLP is also a Self-discovery, which means to explore and discover our own mission and identity. It also gives a structure that allows the comprehension and the response to the “spiritual part” of the human experience, which beyond us as individuals reaches our families, communities, and global systems. The NLP not only focuses in developing personal patterns of excellence, but vision and wisdom as well.

The NLPis based in these two fundamental presuppositions::

1. Map is not the same as territory: . Human beings will never be able to learn reality as it is. We are only capable of knowing our own perceptions of our own reality. That is how we experience and react before the world that surrounds us, mainly by our systems of sensory representation. In fact, it is not reality, but our maps (interpretations) of reality that determine the conduct and the ones that give meaning to behavior. For that, is not reality itself the one that stops or empower us, but our map of reality.

2. Mind and life are systemic processes. Every process that happens inside a person and between human beings and their environment are of systemic nature. Our bodies, our societies, our world and reality visions form an ecology of complex systems and subsystems that are in constant interaction and influencing each other. It is never possible to totally isolate a part of a whole. Such systems respond to certain principles of `Self-organization´ and in a natural way tend to optimal states of balance and homeostasis.

Every model and technique of the NLP is based in the combination of these two principles. Through the acquisition of the Conviction System of the NLP, the goal is never that the human being knows objectively the reality as it is. The wisdom, ethics, and the mental ecology do not come from obtaining the `correct´ map of reality, every time a human being is not capable of that. Instead of this, the main goal is to create the richest map possible that at the same time respects the Systemic, ecology and our own environment.

The people that show themselves more capable of achieving it, are the ones that posses a map of the world that allows them to perceive the largest number of options and perspectives. The NLP is a way to enrich the options that a person has, and put them in a reachable place within the environment of each individual. Excellence and personal growth can be obtained by possessing a variety of options. Wisdom can be obtained through multiple perspectives.

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