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The origins of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

The NLP was born by the joint work of John Grinder (linguistics) and Richard Bandler (mathematician and Gestalt therapist) and a group of students. Among them, Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Leslie Cameron and David Gordon stood out; the purpose of their work was to identify explicit models of human excellence

They developed this model after the research of the operational patterns of three of the greatest therapists of that time: Virginia Satir, known as the best family therapist of our times, Fritz Perls, creator of the Gestalt therapy, the one that gives the human being the opportunity to fully develop, and Dr. Milton H. Erickson, top exponent of the contemporary hypnosis. These magicians of the modern therapy had behaviors in common that made them stood out in a very prominent way in comparison with the rest of their generation.

Grinder and Bandler managed to standardize such patterns in common and offered them as a model of learning.

Grinder and Bandler in their first work, the structure of magic (1975,1976), tried to identify the verbal and behavioral particular patterns of the therapists:

Fritz Pearls

Fritz Perls, creator of the Gestalt therapy, founder of the Gestalt Institute of lake Cowichan.

The German word Gestalt does not have an only meaning since it can be many things, such as: totality, configuration, form, figure, necessity, pattern, structure, etc., the Gestalt psychotherapy belongs to the pre-organized humanist current and it’s main goal is to make closure or resolve pending business.

Virginia Satir

Virginia Satir, family therapist known worldwide, and pioneer in the family system theory field.

The different perceptual positions are as equally important; the goal is to know how to move between them freely. A person stuck in the first one, will be a selfish monster, a person that is constantly in the second one, will stop influencing others easily, and a person that is repeatedly as a habit in the third one, will be an observant away from life.

Gregory Bateson

Gregory Bateson, Social Sciences and anthropology, co-author with the psychiatrist Jurgen Ruesch of: The social Matrix of Psychiatry.

The PNL tells us that what we do in life is determined by the way in which we communicate with ourselves, especially with what we communicate to our unconscious mind.

Milton Erickson

Milton Erickson, Founder of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and one of the psychiatrists with the most worldwide recognition of our times.

The healing in trance state is one of the oldest arts of medicine. Even the primitive men practiced it. He firmly believed that the trance state and the miraculous healings were from divine origin.

Once the study was made, John Grinder and Richard Bandler developed their own techniques for the identification of such model and formally gave name to their contribution of: “Neuro-Linguistic Programming”, which symbolizes the relationship between mind, language, and the organism.

In the coming years, the NLP has developed many valuable tools and abilities destined for the optimization of communication and to favor change, all that within wide professional environments that include counseling, psychotherapy, education, health, creativity and leadership.

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